
With the help of report section you can export monthly and daily details including all customer's name, balance, cleaner name, vat, mode of payment, zone, address and all.

There is a switch box named as "Report Type" from where you can switch daily and month option to export the reports as per your requirement. When you switch on monthly option, 2 more options will appear on your screen i.e. "Expenses" and "Report based on bookings/customers" so that you can export monthly report based on bookings or customers.

Now the question...Is it possible to export report of previous days and month as well...?

So the answer is "Yes"...You can also select required date and month to export the report from top the page.

In report section you will get all details with a box from where you can select or deselected the option which you want to show/hide in the exported result.

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